Tracy Bhalla
(previously Mills), originally from the UK, residing in the USA since 2005, currently in the beautiful Pennsylvania in the Log House.
My middle school teacher predicted at least ten career changes for me – I don’t think I’m far off that now. I trained as an architect, worked as a teacher for 11 years (in England and Bermuda), ran a haulage company with a truck and a plane for 2 years, owned and rented out 5 properties in Alabama for 10 years, owned, managed and worked in two organic restaurants (simultaneously) for 3 years, have worked with Neals Yard Remedies as an Ambassador for around 12 years (love their products) and currently own my own aromatherapy business having accomplished a long-time ambition of becoming an internationally certified aromatherapist in April 2020, after completing over 400 hours of training. Enter LogHouse Aromatics…I hope you’ll join me on this next journey.
I am proud that all our products are hand-made on our 315-year-old- property, The Harlan Log House, and that our packaging is also all done by hand, with care and attention to protecting the environment. We use reusable and/or recyclable packaging products whenever possible, including the sumptuous antique ribbon swatches on some of our soaps.
Excellence and Professionalism
We have been working towards this goal for 25 years; now is the time to be no less than excellent.
Proud to be a member of NAHA – National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy